7 months ago
Admissions Advice

Is "I don't say 'I love you too'" a good essay?

I wrote a college essay about how I don't say "I love you too." because I don't want people to feel forced to say it too. The basis is that my dad never said he loved us too, but instead just responded to our "I love you" with the same three words. I wrote about how I didn't want love to be an agreement or a comparison, but just simple love.

The issue is that I'm not sure it's college-worthy. It's written well and I've had many English teachers help edit it, but when it comes to the topic, is it too unserious? Is it too sappy? I don't know if it feels unfocused.

Would this be interesting to an admissions person?

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2 answers

7 months ago


I feel that your topic is really unique and can be utilized as a college application essay. However, if you are able to incorporate some type of personal growth, it would better suit what admissions officers generally look for. Overall, it surely would be an interesting topic to an admissions officer, but it may be best to adjust to what you think the colleges you're applying to would like in an applicant.

7 months ago

Very interesting and original topic! I also think it's important to include some stuff about you. If it is too much about your dad and why he doesn't say "I love you, too" then the admissions officers will want to "admit" your dad, not you, if he ends being the main subject. You need to be the main character in your essay and make sure they get to know who you are and what you are like through the essay. This is the only way they get to "meet" you.

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