7 months ago
Admissions Advice

How do I write supplemental essays?

Is it supposed to be something similar to my personal statement? In a "show, don't tell" way? Does it need to be creative? Or do I answer it like I would in an English class???


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
7 months ago

I participated in a webinar hosted by admisson officers from all different ranks of universities and the main thing they all want to see in the essay is YOU. These people do not get to meet you most of the time so they use the essay to envision who you are, what you are like, and what you value. They cannot completely do this from looking at your transcript and other parts of your application. This is the only place where you get to choose what you really want them to know about you. Some big don'ts are rephrasing your resume/transcript or writing too much about a person who influenced you (this just tells them how great so-and-so was, not you). Also, you don't need a big dramatic story. Tell them about you and give some examples. Big, descriptive stories may show your ability to write but not who you are.

6 months ago

Supplemental essays are a little different than the personal statement. Because they're much smaller, it's a lot harder to tell multiple stories/instances that relate to one theme or sell the kind of "overarching narrative".

As for a "show, don't tell", you can say in your essay "I am a good listener." That's telling. But showing it would be telling an instance of how you're a good listener. Maybe your friend was going through a rough time, and through your listening skills, you were able to calm them down, etc.

For English class, you're most likely writing essays arguing a point or analyzing a text. But supplementals are you writing a story, your story in a way that isn't too formal (That way it's obvious that you used a dictionary too much) or too informal (Where you're using slang and improper grammar.)

7 months ago

Supplemental essays for college applications should closely follow the provided prompts, addressing the specific questions or topics asked. These essays should focus on showcasing your fit with the college by highlighting relevant experiences and interests. "Show, don't tell" by using concrete examples to illustrate your points, and maintain a balance between creativity and clarity. Carefully edit and proofread your essays to ensure they are free of errors and effectively communicate your message. It should be creative in the sense that it should showcase you and not anybody else. It should be your own writing of course. Definitely DO NOT answer it like you would in an English class. That would make it far less personal. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

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