23 days ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take another language to compensate for skipping French 2 and only having 3 years of language in high school?

It is my dream to get into a top-tier university, especially Princeton. I was looking into their admissions requirements and they said they prefer 4 years of language. Currently I am a freshman and I take French 3 as my language course. Last year I took French I in the middle school (and was accelerated past level 2 to level 3 upon entering high school). After French 3, I am on track to take French 4 and then AP French. I was concerned because I am noticing that most colleges prefer 4 years of language in high school, but because I was accelerated, I am only able to take a maximum of 3 at the high school. Will this hinder my chances to getting accepted, or will colleges see that I have taken the highest levels possible?

If this will negatively impact my chances, should I take ASL or another course to compensate?

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@Mak_without_a_c23 days ago [edited]

I have a similar dream of getting into Ivy league. Right now I'm planning on taking four years of language: Spanish 2, Spanish honors 3 and 4, and AP Spanish. does your school offer AP language? if not I would take another language, but you might end up in a class dominantly with freshmen.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Ayna_remva23 days ago

In high school, all I will be able to take is French 3, French 4, and AP French. Since these are only 3 courses instead of 4, I was wondering if I should do anything to compensate.

@Mak_without_a_c23 days ago

you could take a Spanish 1 class since your taking French. my school also offers clubs such as Spanish club, French club, Irish club, Italian club, etc. which you could fundraise and learn abt different cultures. my school also has language honors societies, which look really good on your college applications, and all you have to do is tutor people taking the same language. the last two things aren't necessarily classes but they are good if you want to do something else.

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