22 days ago
Admissions Advice

what are my chances at ucla?

I’ve taken 4 AP classes and 5 Dual enrollment classes by the end of my junior year. Senior year I am doing 3 weighted classes. My unweighted GPA is a 3.8, and my UC GPA is a 4.29. Here are my extracurriculars and I plan to major in business:

1. research publication about digital marketing in a reputable journal, under a Cornell Uni grad

2. marketing analyst internship for a nonprofit to help make educational opportunities available for students

3. self published a book about finance for kids

4. my city’s teen council member

5. treasurer of a volunteer club at my school

6. president of a women in business club

7. vp of fbla

8. marketing intern for a teen investing app

9. tutor for 2 years

10 volunteered for a stem non-profit

11. economics for leaders summer program

12. volunteer for a literacy foundation

13. volunteer at my local library for their summer sessions

14. ambassador for a sustainable fashion non profit

15. cisco career exploration summer program


1. presidential volunteer service award

2. scholastic art and writing gold key

3. won 1st place at a local stock pitch competition

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@Mak_without_a_c19 days ago

you can just search the school and stimulate your chances

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1 answer

18 days ago

Pretty high, if you did all of that which clearly focuses on what you want to major (business) you've got a great chance of getting in. Obviously pushing for a 4+ gpa would be even better but if you can't, that's still fine. Also, if you have standardized tests like SAT/ACT with scores around 1450-1500+ or 33+, you'll be set.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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