17 days ago
Admissions Advice

Is cheating stated by the counselor?

Hey everyone,

I'm a freshman in high school. I was recently accused of cheating in one of my classes. I tried to appeal, but I still got written up and sent to the AP's. Now, the AP said that this incident shouldn't leave the high school, because according to her, the transcript only contains grades and stuff. However, I recently learned that some colleges ask the counselor to submit a form as the same time when appying to college. Does this form require them to include serious issues like suspensions or expulsion, or does it include stuff like write-ups? This was a one-off incident, and I haven't had any other problems. If so, how much will cheating kill my chances at getting into a good college?

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@GalaxyRunner17 days ago [edited]

Hi! I highly advise you to discuss this with both teachers and administration on the status of your altercation, as I'm not sure if they have recognized it as one or merely suspect cheating. Following this, perhaps reach out to said members with these inquiries as all schools have slightly different viewpoints. Agreeing with another comment, don't stress too much, and keep your head up.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@pestobismol17 days ago

Thanks for the help.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
15 days ago

The form does not ask those specific questions. It does ask the counselor to rate your "personal qualities and character" but I think since you are only a freshman you have plenty of time for your counselor to see you in a better light. Here is a link to the form so you can see what questions they ask: college.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/2022-08/SchoolReport.pdf

17 days ago

Hello, I believe you should be ok. Try to have heart to hearts with you counselor throughout the remainder of highschool and perhaps they will vouch for you. Its also important to remember that colleges expect you to grow from who you were freshman year. Do not stress over this, you being so concerned shows that this will not effect you.

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