17 days ago
Admissions Advice

Application Improvement + ECs

I'm currently an Asian American Female (class of 2027) at a large public high school in TX, and I'm hoping to go into marketing, finance, or corporate law. I want to know if there are any good ECs I can do to get into a really good school. I have quite a few schools in mind, but I would love to get into UPenn, NYU, USC, Boston University, Georgetown, or UT Austin as those are my top schools.

I want some advice on some ECs that will give me a boost on applications, along with how I can overall improve my application by the time I'm a senior

A little bit about me:

- 3.9/4.0 UW

- 10 APs (planned) throughout high school (I'm currently taking AP Human Geography) and 2 dual enrollment courses.

- 8 honors/advanced (planned) by senior year

- Only on-level/CP classes are freshman English, sophomore chem, and electives.

- I have a talent for writing (I've won awards for it that can look good for Applications)

- Will be/Hope to be doing Student Council, NJHS, Girls Who Code DECA, Peer Leadership programs, Key Club, NHS, FBLA, Finance and Investment Club, Model UN, and Psychology Club at some point in high school (including current year)

Side note: My school district is split up into a main campus (10th-12th grade) and a separate school for 9th graders. There are not many activities and clubs to participate in besides sports and a few minor ones because most clubs are at the main high school campus. For sports, they are considered a class period and I won't have enough room on my schedule for any sport until Junior Year (I will probably do Tennis).


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
16 days ago[edited]

Before I say ANYTHING, I must say that EVERYTHING is holistic. For example, although I have a 3.8/4.0 unweighted GPA, I'm not too scared because I will be graduating with 16 APs and international level extracurricular initiatives.

So, moving on: improving your ECs. You want to do something regarding your major, though "marketing, finance, or corporate law" is kinda vague.

Let's say you want to do marketing. I would get on LinkedIn ASAP to scout an internship. Although I want to do international relations (politics), I did a 1-month marketing internship with Mind4Youth. It's not that much of a commitment, though it'll get you on the ground.

For clubs: don't do too many. Only do the ones that you will have a high commitment to. I only do two clubs, though I am the president of one and a captain of the other. In addition? They are both related to my intended major.

You are a Freshman so you have a LOT of time, so don't worry you are in a much better position than I was in. Here's what I recommend you do (if I was in your shoes):

1) Keep your grades up. That's #1. Try to make sure it doesn't go below a 3.8 unweighted GPA.

2) Develop two spikes: marketing (or whatever major you pursue) and writing.

3) Consolidate: Since we have 3 majors, we want to drop any ECs/clubs that aren't connected to those majors. For example, I don't do any honor societies lol.

I hope I helped!

If you have any questions let me know :)

Edit: I put 6 APs when I meant 16 lol. BIG DIFFERENCE

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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