16 days ago
Admissions Advice

Too much of a reach or too much of a safety

Hi there, I've been developing a colleges list to apply to next cycle (junior here!) and I want to make sure I'm choosing schools that I actually have a shot of getting in to, but that aren't too much of a safety school. I know that stats can be used to see if an applicant would applying to a safety, match, or reach, but I also know that holistic admissions processes doesn't make admissions this straightforward. How should I go about determining this? Thanks!


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
15 days ago

Don't worry about a school being "too much of a safety" if it feels like a match as far as programs, size, location, price, etc. Craft your list according to what schools meet your criteria before you worry about acceptance rates. Just remember that every school on your list has to be one that you would actually want to go to. Think of each of the schools as if it were the only one you were accepted to. Make sure that even the "safety" schools are ones you would be excited to attend.

15 days ago

Look up the average accepted GPA and test scores of the schools. This will help you determine if you are close/within that range. If you are above it, it is a safety or target. If you are below, it will literally be a reach.

Yes, you want to be cautious of online chancing systems because they never have the entirety of your application and personnel. So don't rely to heavily on any percentages, unless it says your chances are in the 90s%, then you should definitely get in.

Also, I will say that it's not a problem to apply to a college that is a very safe safety (if that makes sense). There are actually great advantages. The school I want to attend is a safety for me, but it's not a problem because their program will give me the hands-on training I want. ALSO, I have huge chances of very large scholarships because I am well above their averages. So there are definitely advantages- don't worry about a "too much of a safety".

A reach that is a far reach is a little different. There's no problem in applying unless you cannot afford application fees, but your odds of getting in will be extremely low. However, there are some students that get in not because of their scores and GPA, but their career goals and passion. Maybe their essay and mission was so unique that it wowed the admissions officers. You never know unless you try!

Hope this helps and please lmk if you have any questions.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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