I've been having a problem these past couple weeks, which is that I am completely unable to access almost everything under the "I need help to..." tab. Whenever I try to look at my schools or admission chances, I am directed to a page telling me that something has gone wrong and that a team member has been alerted to the issue. I originally assumed this was because the site was under maintenance or something, but it's been going on for a few weeks now and I'm no longer so sure of that. I've tried accessing it both on my school's wifi and my home wifi. Is anyone else experiencing this issue, or does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Thanks again!
Hey @BCassie!
Thanks for reaching out about this and I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble accessing these features on our site. I wasn't able to duplicate the issues you are having on my end, so I'd suggest reaching out to support@collegevine.com for a deeper look into your account.
I hope this helps!
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Alrighty, thank you!