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4 years ago
Harvard prospective students

What does your GPA have to be to get into Harvard?

Can my GPA be lower than 4.0.


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4 answers

4 years ago

The last incoming Freshman class which was the Class of 2024 had the following GPA statistics according to Harvard's 2019-20 Common Data Set.

70.55% had a 4.0 GPA

22.26% had between a 3.75-3.99

4.94 had between a 3.5 and 3.74

and 2.25% had below a 3.5 unweighted GPA

Since Harvard has a very high percentage of legacy, recruited athletes and development candidates compared to other colleges of equal size, it's fair to assume that many of the lower GPA stats belong to those groups. Also, Harvard has historically admitted non-Asian BIPOC cohorts (predominantly Black and Hispanic first-gen lower-income) with lower GPAs and Test Scores to give them a hand up. This is evidenced by many youtube videos where first-time or transfer BIPOC applicants seem to have lower GPA and testing thresholds than CIS White or Asian affluent applicants who mostly drop 1550+ SAT, 35+ ACT, and perfect grades with 10 AP course rigor. Some would argue that affirmative action is not fair but in all the previous discrimination lawsuits filed against Harvard's admissions practices, the judges presiding over the case found no overt discrimination policy or implied policy when it comes to creating its incoming Freshman class.

4 years ago

Hi Annie!

Because they are holistic, college admissions are a very complicated thing. They look at where you live, how other people at your school were doing, your household obligations, work, etc.. So, GPA, good or bad, does not necessarily make or break your application. With that being said, there is still a benchmark GPA that you want to meet. I believe for Harvard it is 3.9-4.0 unweighted. It is always good to meet the average GPA or exceed it, but not having perfect grades doesn't eliminate your chances completely. Continue to work hard, take difficult classes, and show your passions outside of school!

4 months ago

Harvard will accept a GPA lower than 4.0 but it has to be in really hard classes, like AP or Honors. If it's normal classes, then your answer is probably not. I believe the minimum GPA needed for normal classes is at least 4.18.

4 years ago

To get to Harvard your GPA has to be at least a 4.0 and even then if you get in your lucky but they require at least a 4.18 GPA only .33 percent was able to get in with a 3.0 to 3.24 if you have lower then the required GPA you need to make sure you have great extracurricular activities, high test scores, letters of recommendations from the people who know you as who you are then also your personal statement and essays need to be top notch. If you want to become an attorney or doctor then Harvard is probably not a great choice. One thing you can look into I don’t remember what it’s called but you can see if Harvard would except you if you maintain an agreed upon GPA though out the schooling.

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