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3 years ago
Harvard prospective students

International student considering Harvard

Hi. I am international student and am doing a gap year. Planning on university next fall. I am currently considering Harvard in my applications but I've been told it is a, lets say, book only or study only institution. That is, it focuses mostly on just learning and academic stuff like that. is it a good idea for me to apply there because I want a college where I am as exposed to academic opportunities, I am also served a close percentage of extra-curricular and other kinds of opportunities. I want a place where I will be able to experience a new environment and be helpful with volunteering, school clubs, competitions and a somewhat not choking campus environment. My mum wants me to go there ]but I have doubts. Should I consider it or look for another college. If so, then which, please? Thank you.


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1 answer

3 years ago

I'm not sure where you heard that! Harvard is famous for its vibrant student life and campus culture! In fact, Harvard students are notoriously overcommitted to their extracurricular activities and often actually care much more about their non-academic pursuits than their courses. Additionally, Harvard is located in a major city, so there are tons of opportunities all around, and no reason to spend all of your time within Harvard's campus.

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