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3 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Does harvard accept IB math AI at standard level?

I'm a grade 12 student in IB diploma. My school offers only math AI with the option to choose between higher level and lower level. My math is not strong enough higher level so I have chosen standard level and im doing pretty good at it. However, I'm concerned if this would affect my chances. I'm aiming to be an economics major.

@lineage3 years ago

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

It will absolutely affect your chances. Any school, not only Harvard will look at class difficulty offered and class difficulty taken.

3 years ago

Good question. First of all, Harvard doesn't accept any IB or AP classes for credit. So taking any IB math won't help you graduate sooner or pass you out of your quantitative reasoning general education requirement at Harvard.

It will, however, affect your chances. Taking IB HLs (particularly in subjects related to your future major) will always look better than SLs. Harvard wants to see that you've taken an exceptionally challenging course load and done perfectly or nearly perfectly. Taking IB math SL and doing well in it is still better than not taking math at all or taking a non-IB math course of some sort (not sure if either of these are even options at your school). Getting your IB diploma is really the most important thing, though, and if you have enough other HLs to get that, then you should still be okay.

2 years ago[edited]

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3 years ago[edited]

I reviewed some of your math statements and questions and believe they will assist you in passing a handful of online examinations. I utilize to refresh my memory before each class because I work as a math instructor.

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