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3 years ago
Harvard prospective students

My school doesn't offer neither IB nor AP

Hi, I'm from Turkey and I'm a junior. It is my goal to get into Harvard, but in Turkey, schools don't offer AP or IB unless it's an elite private school and I'm in a public school, but I believe the Turkish Education system is harder than AP or IB.

You do not get to choose your classes, you go to all of them. Math II, III HL, Physics HL, Chem HL, Bio HL, Turkish Literature HL, History HL, German SL, English SL, so-and-so. It's so hard to keep a great GPA (But I managed to get 95/100 currently.) I'm so skeptical about, not having any coursework like AP or IB will affect my chances.

I'm seeing that everyone is saying that they will consider it, but also seeing low chances like "%5" in Collegevine school list makes me upset.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

You don't have anything to worry about! Colleges want applicants to take the most rigorous course load available to them at their school. If a student goes to a school that offers only honors classes, then colleges will want to see that student take as many honors classes as possible. The same thing goes for schools that offer AP classes or none at all.

In your case, colleges will know that you aren't able to take a more rigorous course load. They will also know that your schedule is more rigorous than that of many American applicants. What they will care about when it comes to your application is your GPA - keep up the 95/100 or ideally higher, and you will do well. The CollegeVine chancing engine unfortunately cannot account for this more philosophical side of admissions that I explained, so your chances are certainly higher than 5%. Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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