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2 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Tips on how to get into harvard as an international student please!

hi! I am a 9th grader, but I live in the netherlands. We do not have AP courses I can take, so how can I get into Harvard? My gpa is 3.88.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Well, first off, AP courses aren’t the only thing Harvard looks at. They also consider extracurriculars, standardized test scores, gpa, essays, rec letters, and so on. But I get why you’re asking. Course difficulty is a big part of your application, but it’s not specifically AP courses they look at. They don’t necessarily care that you’ve taken the equivalent of an AP course, as long as you make the most of what you have in the Netherlands. Harvard will evaluate you based on your own country, not theirs. That’s like judging a Japanese and Belgian culinary student for their ability to make chocolate, and rejecting the Japanese student even though chocolate has nothing to do with their culture (I know it’s a dumb analogy, and forgive me if I’m wrong about the Japanese chocolate thing, but I’m pretty sure there are more chocolatiers in Belgium). The point is, Harvard might be hard to get into, but that doesn’t mean they don’t evaluate each applicant fairly. Don’t stress about taking AP classes if you have no control over the matter. In the meantime, work more on everything else I listed above. Course difficulty isn’t the only part about your application, so be sure to give everything else a good amount of thought. Good luck!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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