4 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Can I apply for a scholarship to study in Harvard University?

Can a senior high schooler like me apply for a scholarship to study in Harvard University?

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10 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

It depends. In order to be considered for admission, you need exceptional test scores, a good GPA, and adequate extracurriculars. Most accepted students have an SAT score above 1540 and a GPA of 3.9 or so. If you have decent scores, don't hesitate to try. But they need to see at least 1490 on SAT(or equivalent ACT) in order for you to have at least a chance to get considered.

4 years ago[edited]

I'm assuming you mean financial aid when you are talking about a scholarship to Harvard.

First of all, Harvard offers one of the most generous financial aid packages in the world.

Since everyone at Harvard is super intelligent, they do not offer merit-based financial aid, only need-based financial aid.

Since everyone is a genius, no one gets more money because someone scored 10 points higher on the SAT or had a higher GPA or got more 5s on their AP classes. While they do not give our merit awards if you are a D1 recruited athlete (Division 1 level) and the Harvard Water Polo team wants you to play on their team because you are a great Goalie, you may get an athletic scholarship which is generous.

Harvard meets 100% of applicants' financial needs and does not require loans.

Harvard doles out grants or non-repayable sums to admits depending on the financial bracket their family is in.

For those whose family income is less than $65,000, there is no (ZERO) out of pocket cost to the family.

For those whose family income is between $65,000 and $150,000, there is a sliding-scale out of pocket expense between 1% and 10%.

For those whose family income is above $150,000 the out of pocket contribution by the family is on a case by case basis. Some high-income families have multiple educational expenses like boarding school for younger siblings or other college tuition for older siblings. Therefore even a family whose family income is $250,000 but has 3 or 4 children in private schools will receive some financial aid.

Although there is no out of pocket expense for the family, the "admit" will be expected to contribute financially in 2 ways.

1.) Work on campus for 8-10 hours typically per week at a Harvard facility such as the library, student center, gym, cleaning crew, etc.

2.) Contribute a portion of the summer earnings to the remainder of the costs not covered by the Harvard grant. (although this is currently waived for the COVID 2021 cycle, admits who work outside of school are expected to contribute part of their earnings).

If you qualify for a Federal or State Grant, that will also be factored into your financial aid package (but this is not available to Intl students )as well as any outside direct scholarships you receive say from the Coca Cola Foundation, Jack Cooke Kent award, etc.

So for argument's sake, let say that your family makes $80,000 and you won $6,500 in outside scholarships and get admitted, the financial aid package might look something like the following. Total Harvard costs say are $80,000 (tuition, health ins. room & board, fees) minus scholarships $6500 less family contribution $2,000, less on-campus job $2500, less summer work $2000, leave you with $67,000. Harvard would be giving you a grant of $67,000 to attend the first year. Each year thereafter, you would have to re-apply for financial aid and your award would be adjusted based on your family income and changes in their assets. There is a Net Price Calculator on the Harvard Website that will give you more detailed results and ask more questions. (Last thing is that since you are an Intl student, you'll have to figure out how to pay for travel expenses to and from your country of origin, it's not 100% clear whether Harvard contributes to that or not. I think their literature states you need to get travel grants in your own country for that if you need them).

Each Ivy League school and elite college has its own version of financial aid awards but the basic formula is similar. You don't see merit or academic scholarships in the Top 25 schools typically. They appear more in the 25th to 100th. So if you are really smart and apply to the College of William and Mary ( a public university ), you may get the "1693" full scholarship but that typically is only given to the 1% of admits. (If one is smart and wealthy, they have more options both public and private colleges in America.)

Hope that helps.

2 years ago

It's based on your result specially in Sat class you have to score highest level to get full scholarship if you do best you can get it completely

4 years ago

The only scholarship you can get is a financial-aid scholarship. Harvard does not give out merit-based scholarships or athletic scholarships. Run the net price calculator on Harvard's website to find out your estimated family contribution.

a year ago

Yes because this is my dream

2 years ago

Hello everyone

2 years ago

Hello to everyone. My name is mac-solar I'm from Cameroon 🇨🇲 I'll like to study computer science in Harvard University reason being that I think is the best for this major. I will apreciate if I can be admitted into the university. Thanks for understanding, is a pleasure speaking to you guys.

2 years ago

Yes you can.It will be very nice if you do have quality and qualifying grades for you admission hence chances are very high for you

4 years ago[edited]

You can apply for a scholarship to any college for one of three ways

1) financial aid / FAFSA (if you’re a US resident)

2) athletic scholarship (if you will be playing sports for that college)

3) merit scholarship (if you are a really strong student/overqualified the college will essentially pay you to attend; not really a thing at ivy colleges)

Of course you can apply for financial aid or a scholarship at Harvard but you need to be extremely qualified to attend. In the US college attendance is different from places like India or the UK where you’re not evaluated just based on your grades and test scores. You need to also have a very strong and focused extracurricular profile and high-level awards in some areas. Financial aid is your best bet since most elite colleges are now meeting most if not all of demonstrated need

4 years ago[edited]

So Crsgos answer is true for almost all schools but doesn’t really fit Harvard as Harvard meets full need for all enrollees. Let’s say they calculate you and your family can pay 5k a year but the cost of attendance is 80k. You’d get 75k in scholarships so applying for scholarships is not something you really have to do.

Ivies as a whole 99.9% time never gives merit aid just need based aid.


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