4 months ago
Harvard prospective students

Good Extracurricular Ideas?

So, while I'm a good student, my extracurriculars are a bit lacking. At the moment, they are:

- Theater (I do 2-4 shows a year, and recently I have been primarily getting leads, such as Anna in Frozen, Matron Mama Morton in Chicago, and Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz)

- Tae Kwon Do (I got my first degree Black Belt in March)

- Tutoring (I tutor once/twice a week in math, especially multiplication + division)

- Volunteering (I have gained over 110 volunteer hours since the summer before my freshman year, but only 20 (I think?) are documented)

- Debate Club (only met for one semester)

- D&D Club

- Creative Writing (I submit my writing to competitions somewhat rarely, but I write/draft novels regularly, however none have every come to completion)

I want to major in psychology, maybe double major in something else, but I'm not quite sure. What are some good extracurriculars I could pursue or participate in to up my chances of being admitted to Harvard?

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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