In the CollegeVine chancing app, for the extracurricular section, in the topic Writing” in Tier 1c, it refers to “second tier publications”. What publications does it refer to? I write for a news website (I’ll attach it here: Is this a second tier publication? Thank you!
Hi, thank you for asking your question. Unfortunately, the link provided does not work. But maybe I can provide some clarification: A tier 1 publication would be writing an article that is published in the New York Times. A tier 2 publication would be writing in a smaller, but legitimate source like Refinery29. I have not quite heard of motusnews, so it may be tier three.
If you want to find out more about how our chancing engine work, please do check out this video.
Hope this helps!
To be honest, it doesn't even matter if its a 1c or 1b or 1d, the extracurricular section is just a very very very very broad gauge of where you stand, and it's not exactly the most accurate not is one change going to affect the chance percentages. But even then, taking the chancing engine with a grain of salt--it's a guess, just a guess. It can't include your background, your essays, skills, nor your personality.
But if you're really really set on it, I'd say it's probably a third tier (is it peer-reviewed?). You can find more at:
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