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3 years ago

How much can your GPA drop Junior year?

I am taking two AP classes right now that are scaring me. I am wondering how much the grades will affect my overall GPA

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@Yuror3 years ago

Hey! I’m also currently taking a few APs… dont be scared! lots of colleges offer a weighted gpa option which really helps you out! stay on top of your work though

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3 answers

3 years ago

If APs are weighted, it should be okay; they might not raise your GPA as much as you won't but probably won't lower it too much if they're weighted. If not, your colleges will probably value the difficulty of the classes over the actual grade and you should still be fine (especially since you can explain why you struggled in the class in your essays). It won't change your GPA too much overall regardless, my school uses the 100 pt scale so GPA changes are easier to see than on the 4 pt but still your GPA doesn't fluctuate too much when your previous years are high enough. I think focusing on the GPA change will probably make it harder for you to focus on doing better in the class and may make you feel discouraged (it certainly does for me) so I would just try to focus on doing better and making yourself proud. I know that's like the stuff everyone says and of course GPA is realistically still important, but if you get too focused on those achievements on paper, it hurts your actual growth (which is the stuff colleges really care about). Anyway, the actual GPA change does depend a lot on your current GPA and how poorly you're doing in those classes but I honestly don't think they will change it too much.

3 years ago

hey! In my junior year I did pretty bad in a class it dropped my GPA a little bit but not too much, like a 3.9 to a 3.7. It's kind of hard to change your GPA this far into your high school career so don't stress too much! Just stay caught up on your work and you should be fine.

3 years ago

The best way I can answer this question is to point you towards a GPA calculator. All schools have different GPA scales, your starting GPA, how many classes you're taking all factor into this. I recommend Enter in your current GPA and how many classes/credits from there you can enter in your worst-case-scenario grades. Good luck in the AP classes!

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