3 years ago

When to take ACT/SAT?

Hi! I'm a sophomore that is planning ahead for my junior year, and my school doesn't give lots of guidance pertaining to the ACT/SAT tests. I'm specifically looking into the most efficient ways to study for and take the ACT test; is there any advice I should focus on? I'm planning to begin studying soon and take the test this upcoming summer to get a head start, but I believe I am able to take it through my school later in my junior year. Any advice is welcomed with open arms! Thanks!! :)

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3 years ago

Sign up for the Free ACT prep guide.


I would also buy from Amazon or your bookseller the The Official ACT Prep Guide 2021-2022. That will be your main bible to prepping.

After you work though the book and take your first practice test, you will know which parts of the exam you need help with. Most people struggle with Science and Math more than English and Reading sections.

FOR the LOVE of ACT Science is great study guide for the Science Section

Michale Cerro Author

THE Complete Guide ACT English by Erica Melzer is the very best English study guide book.

ACT Math by the College Panda Series is a great study guide.

Try to take a real ACT during junior year if you can. If you are somehow still short of your goal score. Then you have to consider taking an online college prep course like SuperTutorTV's ACT online course. It's about 250USD but totally worth it if you need help to get from 30 to at 32 or 33 to a 35.

You can take up to 3 real ACTs without the colleges thinking you are just overdoing it. I don't recommend taking a real sit down exam 4 or 5 times.

Good Luck.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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