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3 years ago


Hi, I have eight classes (8-9 hours not including lunch) I want to take next year (my senior year), however I can only take seven (six depending on how long one of the classes is) of them… two to four of the classes I need (each one hour long). I don’t know what I should do. Anyone want to weigh in go ahead.

Here are the courses I am thinking:

Senior English (All year) (one hour)

.2 chem (All year) (one hour)

.2 Medical Tech (All year) (one or two hours not sure)

Psychology (half year) (one hour) Sociology (half year) (one hour) = All year

.2 precalc (All year) (one hour)

AP computer science (All year) (one hour)

Advanced Journalism (All year) (one hour)

.2 Geoscience (All year) (one hour)

I don’t really feel like paying extra for any of these. If COVID didn’t get in my way I might have had this easier and might have already fit this all into my school time over the years (as I had planned pre COVID).

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3 years ago

I'd say that you should take 6-7 classes in the subjects you are most passionate about. Senior year is less important academically than junior year, since colleges will review your application before your second semester grades come in. The best thing to do with you classes now would be to show that you have an intellectual interest. If you are interested in medicine, for example, you could choose .2 Chem, .2 Medical Tech, and Psychology/Sociology. You will also do better in your classes if your load is lighter and you are interested in all the subjects. Hope this helps!

🎤3 years ago

Some might, anyways I was talking to my local community collage that we have duel enrollment agreements with I also found a couple online classes I could work with if I wanted. Thanks so much for joining the conversation.


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