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3 years ago

Which AP science class should I take my senior year?

I've already taken Honors Bio, Honors Chem, AP Bio, AP environmental. When I graduate, I'll have taken 10 AP classes total. I'm trying to get into some top universities (Vanderbilt is my first choice right now), so which science class should I take next year? I'm hesitant to take AP Chem since I haven't been in chemistry since my sophomore year, so would Physics be a better choice for me? If so, which Physics? I don't know if I should take an algebra based physics class or a calc based physics class (for context, I'm in Calc AB). I'm also going to be taking AP Lit, AP Stat, AP Macro, AP Music theory, Honors Gov, and Band 6 and I think I can manage a science class on top of that. I appreciate your input, thanks!

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@sarausaa year ago

AP classes require a significant investment of time and effort. You need to consider whether you have enough time and resources to study effectively for AP classes. slope

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3 answers

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3 years ago

That's ambitious! I agree that you should base it off of which class you've enjoyed more in the past, as both AP Physics and Chemistry classes are ranked as some of the hardest AP classes--that being considered (and the fact that you'll have already taken 9 AP classes) I don't think you should even add another AP class to your transcript unless you are certain it's something that you can handle (bc even if you can understand the info completely it can be very draining and emotionally challenging, especially if it is something you don't ENJOY learning about). Again, it's a very personal thing that is entirely dependant on your interests--so if you love science take the class, just don't take it solely to prove that you're capable. If you are set on taking Chem or Physics, I'd also definitely recommend looking into your top colleges--whether they give credit for passing each exam, and which one would better align with the required classes for your major options.

Side note, I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on AP Bio....I'm considering taking it as a senior next year, but a second opinion would be nice!

3 years ago

Hi @fordlovespizza!

I completely agree with what @olivia_05 has said. You already seem like you have a lot on your plate for next year and keep in mind that you'll also be applying to colleges (writing essays, interviews, etc.) - all of this will also take up a lot of your time. Having taken 9 AP classes throughout high school is a great place to be and will definitely make you competitive for a lot of the highly ranked schools like Vanderbilt.

If you think you handle that additional AP class, absolutely go for it! Choose a class based on what you've enjoyed more in the past. Since you've taken Honors Chem, you'll come in with some background so that might help when easing into AP Chem. On the other hand, even if you haven't taken an Honors Physics class before, if you really enjoy math, I think AP Physics would be a great choice. Also, take into consideration what your intended major is. Maybe one of those classes will align with your intended major a bit more. Like @olivia_05 said, I would also look at what scores on each of those exams will get you credit (and whether or not they even give credit to begin with).

I hope that helps!

3 years ago

What class did you like more? Chem or physics? I’d recommend taking the class you liked more. Even if you took chemistry your sophomore year, you will most likely be able to remember information from your previous class. If you decide AP physics, I’d recommend physics C because you are already in calculus and if you are doing well in calculus, it’s manageable.

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