3 years ago

Is it possible to prepare for both the AP Micro AND Macroeconomics exam in one year?

My school offers a variety of AP courses, many of which I am taking/will have taken. Next year, I signed up to take AP Economics, a course that apparently incorporates both Micro and Macroeconomics, and I assume you take both exams at the end. I am apprehensive, as besides that, I'm taking AP French, AP European History, AP Calc BC, AP Stats, AP Comp Sci Principles, accelerated English, Financial Literacy, and Entrepreneurship - the last two are regular semester courses.

Is it possible for the course to cover both exams in 1 year, and for me to self-study enough to learn that material? I will be pretty busy in the summer, so I don't have time to take an online course.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago


I am currently taking Econ and I have signed up to take both exams at then end of the school year. Additionally I'm taking, Gov, Lang, and Chem, so I understand that it can be overwhelming and a lot. My teacher hasn't given out a ton of homework, usually just a quick worksheet, so that hasn't been too much of a trouble.

I personally enjoy Econ because to me it makes a lot of sense. There's a lot with numbers and understanding graphs, but also real world applications. As of right now the tests haven't been that bad, but my teacher also allows test corrections, so that has helped my grade a few times.

Like I said earlier, I plan on taking both exams, but I know a lot of people who signed up for one. At my school we start with Micro and end with Marco. Many people choose to take just Marco since it's fresh in their mind when test day comes around. A few people signed up for just Micro because they knew we would get through it and would have plenty of time to study.

I also know people who didn't sign up for the exams and are just taking the class for a GPA boost. Don't feel pressured into taking both or any of the exams.

Personally I feel prepared to take both exams in May, but that is largely because of my teacher. Try reaching out to some of your peers who have taken the class to see what your teacher is like and if they recommend taking both.

Hope this helps and good luck next school year!

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