I am a Chinese student living in the US for 3-4 years now, and I need tips on college admission as an international student.
3.4 Unweighted GPA (Messed up some classes in MS that counted for HS Credit)
3.98 Weighted GPA
Student Council Member
History Bee x6 Finalist Regionals
History Bee x2 Finalist Nationals
History Bowl Runner up 2017 Asia
Varsity Lacrosse Team Player
Soundcloud Musician
5 Clubs
Speaks: Chinese, Japanese, English, and a little French
Born in China, Raised in Japan, In the US rn.
Please Reply If You Have A Suggestion!
Thank you and have a good day <3
I recommend reading through this CollegeVine article for tips on applying as an international student. You can also see your odds of admission at any school you can think of by using the CollegeVine chancing engine. Hope this helps!
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