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3 years ago

Chancing Simulator

Hey guys!

I am only planning on applying to about 5 schools because of the application fees being so pricey, so I really need to make sure I have a good chance of getting into the few schools I apply to. I understand that Collegevine's chancing simulator can't tell you exactly whether you will or won't get in to a college, but I was wondering what a good likelihood of acceptance would look like? What percentage should I aim for to be confident in my acceptance? Thanks!


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3 answers

3 years ago

On the simulator, there are categories given to each percentage. I believe the typical understanding is that 1-27% is a reach school, meaning it will be unlikely that you get in. Obviously there is a bit of leeway in these broad categories (someone with 27% chance will have more probability of being admitted than one with 3% likelihood).

If your chances are from 30-80%, that is the general category of a target school- one that is a good fit for someone with your resume, but still holds some risk. 30-50% is referred to as "hard target."

From 80+%, those colleges are categorized as safeties, which are extremely likely to accept you. It's a good rule of thumb to always apply to a couple safeties as backup.

For a pure answer to your question, I would recommend a percentage above 75% to be "confident." Best of luck!

3 years ago

Hey there!

Lots of good advice here. I wanted to add that some schools will waive application fees. It’s worth looking into if you would like to apply to more schools


Good luck!

3 years ago

Hey Audrey, it all depend on your hardwork. Ivy leagues are the 1-10% chance of getting in the school. I mean we are talking of Harvard, Princeton, and other great schools.

The chance of getting in is really low and that all across the board to everyone. For example, in my former highschool, a girl that ranked 1st in her entire class, was also the president of the student gov, and still did not make it to Ivy League schools.

The higher the pecentage the better are your chances. Thus the best thing to do right now is know what you are majoring in and skrink the universities on your list. Next is hand pick those colleges that you like and see what Scholarship programs they have that fits you. Through this you will be able to navigate and find the right college for you.

Like I said at the begining it all depend on your hard work. A 31% University is looking for over 1330 SAT scores and while some Universities don't even glance at it. I am also in the middle of figuring out which to apply to and navigate my way and plan. I wish there is a straight answer but there is not. It depends on you and your budget to determine which percent to aim for.

Nevertheless, I am aiming for 30% - 40% and I am confident in that with over average GPA, over average SAT score and 3-4 clubs active.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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