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3 years ago

No AP Tests- Do I still have a chance?

Hi all,

Unfortunately, I had to cancel my AP tests for this year. I am a cyber school student, and my tests are being taken at a facility over an hour away that I am not able to arrange transportation to. I took one AP test last year when they were being offered virtually during COVID, and I scored a 5, but because I am a junior, this will be the only score I am submitting. Do I still have a chance at getting into selective colleges? (For reference, my top choices are UPenn (reach), NYU (hard target), and University of Michigan (hard target).)

Should I bother submitting this one score at all? It is for Microeconomics, and I intend on majoring in English, so it has no relevance in that regard.

Also, should I explain my situation as a cyber student in the additional information section, or will it draw unnecessary attention to a weaker part of my application?



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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I don't think lack of AP tests should really hurt you. After all, AP is just to get some college credit done early so you won't have to do it in college. If you don't have AP credit you'll just need to do all the courses for your degree. If you have good grades and good defining factors, you'll probably get in. Also you should probably have a safety school on your list just in case.

Have you looked at curriculum for an English major? Economics may be required; you're not only doing English classes.

As for the part of putting that you're a cyber student on your application, you should probably call a college and ask them if it is relevant information to put on your application. I can't answer that.

3 years ago

Taking AP classes to increase your course rigor and receiving good semester grades in them is much more important to colleges than your AP exam scores. So long as your unweighted and weighted GPAs are high, you will be a academically competitive for your top choices.

I recommend submitting your AP Micro score, since your score of 5 will give you college credit that could allow you to take one less core requirement or elective during college. I also think that explaining your circumstances as a cyber student in the additional information section will only help you. College admissions is holistic, meaning that admissions officers want to take everything about your profile into account including personal hardships. Providing colleges with more context will make your accomplishments seem more impressive to them. Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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