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3 years ago

Should I take a science class or math class senior year?

I have to choose between taking a math class or science class next year, I have already taken 3 years of science classes: Adv. physics, honors chemistry and biology. Also 3 years of math but nothing special, just the normal classes (nothing advanced or anything). I’m not going into anything in STEM so should I take a 4th year of science or math? BTW my school says only 3 years is required but 4 is recommended for both classes.


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]


I believe you should take math. In college you will take math, but taking it your senior year will prevent less chance of forgetting in college. You have taken good science classes, I am proud of you. Thus, taking math is a good idea.

EDIT: punctuation

3 years ago

I would also recommend taking another math class. Since your science classes have been more rigorous than your math classes, it would be good to take an extra math class to balance out your transcript. While it is important for college applicants to have a spike, or specific focus with their academics and ECs, they should be well rounded at the same time. I also think that math is more applicable to fields outside of STEM. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

It depends on what you wanna go into and what would benefit you most. For example I'm gonna be taking AP Stats for my senior year so I can have that knowledge for my future major in Psychology, I wont be taking AP Bio or Chem cause that's not within my interests as of right now. If you don't want to then don't school's often recommend an extra amount (depending on where you live) for colleges to see that you made the effort t do as much as you can, but its not all about that. If you wanna do both go for it! I'd say taking a math class (Pre-cal, AP cal, etc) though since you'll eventually have to take them in college I believe.

3 years ago

In that case, if you could take both, take both. I don't know what your math classes are, but if you can take trig or precalc I would advise that; chances are in a STEM field you might need to know calculus. If you can take AP classes I would also advise that since those classes give you college credit. Make sure you check the curriculum for the degree you want first. You seem good on science; if you're worried you can self-study some more science.

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