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3 years ago

What happened to my karma?

I made a reply to a community post and it got accepted, so I got 20 karma. But then it got un-accepted and now I have negative karma. Could someone please help fix the issue and refund my karma?

🎉 First post
Let’s welcome @MatteoCos to the community! Remember to be kind, helpful, and supportive in your responses.

Earn karma by helping others:

1 karma for each ⬆️ upvote on your answer, and 20 karma if your answer is marked accepted.

3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

2 Possibilities.

1. The Poster rewarded another answer from a different respondent. This automatically un-rewards you 20 Karma. Only 1 answer is eligible for Karma. I noticed that than many NEW CV members are unaware of this and often inadvertently award multiple people as best answers. If you need this Karma, I would look at the awarded answer and see if it is clearly a better answer than yours or not. If it isn't, then you can always ask the Question poster why they un-voted you to satisfy your curiosity.

2. I'm not a 100% sure of this. But on all Questions posted, the poster can request an Expert to answer the Question for 20 Karma. If 5 people answer and 1 person is voted best answer and receives 20 Karma, but then the Expert comes in after the upvote or award and answers the questions and the poster gives the best answer to the CV expert, then the person who initially got the 20 pts will get that rescinded. I have never seen a post where both the CV Expert and a CV member got the award simultaneously. Only one outlined green box per post gets the award.

Personally, I don't understand why CV Experts who work for CV need Karma points or need to get awarded for a Best Answer. They need neither. I think the correct thing to do is to use a different color or graphic border to CV Expert answers and to allow the best CV member answer to remain on the post with the 20 Karma Award points. For example the CV Expert answer can be a Green Wreath detailed border with leaves and the Plain Green border can go to the best answer. CV employees and can't trade Karma for anything. I would keep the feature which counts how many answers CV experts have made and how many upvotes they have received because it allows CV management to see who consistently is engaged with the CV Q & A and has good stats with upvotes. But the Karma award should go to the members and stay with the members, and not get rescinded if a CV expert gets awarded the best answer.

And if this is not a technical possibility, then perhaps CV can let the CV Q & A community know ahead of time which Questions have requested a CV expert answer with some kind of graphic or emoji.

Good luck.

3 years ago[edited]

Do you have your Karma automatically going towards the scholarship giveaway? If so it may be possible that after the reply got un-accepted the karma ended up staying in the drawing but because of this your Karma went negative?

3 years ago

I don't know how you can have negative karma, but as for losing your karma, the poster that accepted your answer might have changed their mind and accepted someone else's answer. Since yours was no longer the accepted answer, you lost your "reward".

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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