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3 years ago

Too many things added to my junior year (which I'm grateful for) but how to manage everything?

I'm a rising junior, and I'm very much grateful for all the extra-curricular activities, internships, college classes, and community service that I'll be doing in my junior year. I'm quite confident that these activities will really help me stand out in my college app. However, it's quite overwhelming because I'm doing so many extra things + my regular classes (including ap and honors classes). So, with this overwhelming amount of activities (which somehow does fit in my schedule but it will be extremely hard for me to find time for myself), I am a bit nervous about how I will be able to survive my junior year. Any suggestions on how to stay on top of everything?

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3 years ago

This may sound a bit basic, but I keep a big calendar in my room just for school deadlines, tests, projects, and important school work as well as use it as a school to-do list. Then I have a planner that I keep with me all the time for things outside of school. I think that keeping the two separate, is very important for mental health. Studying-wise, I would take 30 minutes before you sleep to quickly go over what you learned in your classes and create a list of questions you have. In the morning as you're eating breakfast I recommend re-reading the material so that it really sticks. This means that when it's time for a test/quiz you just need to refresh instead of straight memorization.

In terms of you time. I think that especially first thing in the morning, make sure you have time you can take for yourself even if it means waking up a tad earlier. Go for a walk, maybe go to the gym, do some yoga, or just sit outside on your steps and mentally prepare yourself for the day. If you're more worried about the social aspects or losing yourself to burnout, definitely set days in your planner for a day off, at least 2 a month; one for you and one for friends. Keeping your friends close to you while you're busy will keep you sane and you'll feel their support push you to continue to try your best.

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