2 years ago

Thoughts on these AP classes?

Over the course of my Junior and Senior years, I am going to be taking the following AP courses

Junior: AP Chemistry, AP Economics (One semester of both), and AP Physics 1

Senior: AP Biology, AP Calculus AB (BC if my school offers it next year), AP Lang and Lit, AP Physics 2, and AP Psychology

For people who have taken any of these classes, can you tell me what it was like? If you had a bad teacher in one of these classes, please try your best to give me your best unbiased response.

Thank you for your time!

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2 years ago

I just took AP Biology and AP Psychology last year and I recommend them to all of my friends. AP Bio is infamous among freshmen for being difficult, but it was not bad for me or my sister. Taking that class solidified my aspirations of pursuing biology as a career. AP Psych is honestly so interesting and I loved it. It's just memorization. I barely had to read the textbook. On a less positive note, I have heard that AP Chem is terrible. The only person I know that did not struggle in it is the salutatorian at my school that has an 800-person graduating class. My sister even claimed it "made [her] mentally ill". I know to steer clear of it. You probably cannot change it now, but beware.


🎤2 years ago

Well, it appears that this post was accidentally posted 4 times over. it kinda happened like how you click on chrome five times and then five minutes later five tabs pop up. I apologize lol.


🎤2 years ago

For anyone wondering, no, I didnt take any AP classes in Freshman or Sophomore year, but I educated and informed myself, so I am not blindly walking into a few hard classes.


🎤2 years ago

Update: Got the three duplicates removed!


2 years ago

I'm taking AP Psychology rn and I find it pretty easy. It's a great AP for a beginner. Studying and completing my readings have helped me get As in all of my tests, and it's pretty easy to understand even without any prior knowledge.


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