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2 years ago

How can I raise a 3.7 to a 3.85-3.9?

I am currently a junior in high school and this is my first semester, is there any way to raise my GPA from 3.7 to 3.85 to 3.9? My GPA freshman year was 3.75. Then my sophomore GPA was 3.67. Is there any way to raise it to 3.85 - 3.9? Thanks!


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1 answer

2 years ago[edited]


Here are my calculations if you go by an unweighted GPA system:

If you want to get a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of junior year, your GPA for this year would have to be 4.13-4.28. If your school does not do weighted GPAs, then achieving a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of junior year would not be possible for you. The highest possible unweighted GPA you could get is 3.81 (3.806...) by the end of junior year.

If you want to get a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of first semester senior year for college apps (I'm assuming you're going by a 2 semester system but I might be wrong), your combined GPA for these next 3 semesters (including the one you're in right now) would have to be an average of 4 (4.03)-4.15. Again, if your school does not do weighted GPAs, then achieving a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of first semester senior year would not be possible for you.

ps. although I said you needed an average GPA of 4 for a 3.85, that's rounding down so technically, if you scored a 4.0 GPA for the next 3 semesters, your GPA will become 3.83.

If you want to get a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of senior year, your combined GPA for these 2 years would have to be 7.98-8.18. This means an average GPA of 3.99-4.09 each year. Again, if your school does not do weighted GPAs, then achieving a 3.86-3.9 GPA by the end of semester senior year would not be possible for you. The highest possible unweighted GPA you could get is 3.86 (3.855) by the end of senior year.

Here are my calculations if you go by a 5 point (weighted) GPA system:

If you want to get a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of junior year, your GPA for this year would have to be 4.13-4.28. If your school does weighted GPAs, then achieving a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of junior year would be possible for you. The highest possible weighted GPA you could get is 4.14 by the end of junior year.

If you want to get a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of first semester senior year for college apps (I'm assuming you're going by a 2 semester system but I might be wrong), your combined GPA for these next 3 semesters (including the one you're in right now) would have to be an average of 4 (4.03)-4.15. Again, if your school does weighted GPAs, then achieving a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of first semester senior year would be possible for you. The highest possible weighted GPA you could get is 4.26 by the end of first semester senior year.

If you want to get a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of senior year, your combined GPA for these 2 years would have to be 7.98-8.18. This means an average GPA of 3.99-4.09 each year. Again, if your school does do weighted GPAs, then achieving a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of semester senior year would be possible for you. The highest possible weighted GPA you could get is 4.36 (4.355) by the end of senior year.

Hope that helps and good luck this year! :)

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