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2 years ago

poorish gpa w/ CR courses & medium academic profile

hi everyone I feel like im going through a similar situation as many of the rest of us in here... last year I had an absolute hellish AP world teacher and my mental health went to the gutter and my gpa suffered. I ended up crediting some three courses into P/F (all pass) and with that I have a ~93-94 average, im really trying to get my grades up this year so I can even it out into maybe a 4.0 (is that a 94?? how does it even work??). Im wondering how that affects my chances? since I feel like its a super pandemic situation. I had to credit the grades for both of the APs I took (world history & compsci principles) but got 5's on both of the exams...

I live in NYC and go to one of the top 3 specialized high schools (elite public schools that are essentially doted upon by the city gov't and feeders to a lot of top schools) where I major in software engineering (my chosen major hopefully) and my extra C's are pretty decent:

- varsity softball at my school which is a pretty competitive team (hoping to be captain next year) tho, I didn't get a freshman year bc of covid :( I'm a pitcher and im pretty good; also doing some work getting funding for the team

- softball outside of school for all my life

- some coding summer programs

- developed an app with a pretty good concept im hoping to release by next summer

- songwriting on the piano I hope to release soon

- some clubs like girls who code in my school

- founding a web3 club in my school

- founded business outside of school

- working on a Princeton-affiliated crypto podcast

- Princeton design challenges

basically softball is my big thing (unfortunately I haven't really been talking to coaches since idk if im good enough to be recruited) and im into software and kinda bounce around, I've taken a few PLTW courses and 5 AP so far

I have close ties to Cornell and my parents went to grad school there (idk if that counts as legacy)

so im planning to put it ED/EA (no clue what the diff is) and honestly im just super stressed, I wish I didn't waste my sophomore year being so depressed LMAO but im getting it up this year so hopefully I do better, do u think I stand a chance??? honestly Im also gonna apply to some Canadian schools (UToronto etc). I think ill get a good sat score (definitely high 1400s hopefully 1500); results come out in 2 days for my first one!!! nervous :(

thank you for reading<3 I need to do apush hw!!

EDIT: I got a 1520! chances are looking good!

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2 years ago[edited]

Hi @yvestumor777! I went through a very similar situation with AP World last year too. Our teacher made that class a living hell for us (major grade reading quiz EVERY week) and my grade suffered as a result. I also took another AP Class (AP Spanish) and did not get an A (I got a 5 on both AP exams though). From the looks of it, I think it shouldn't affect you too greatly. You can state in your application that your drop in grades was due to issues regarding mental health, and you're involved in a lot of things outside of school.

🎤2 years ago

thank you! best of luck to you :-)


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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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