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2 years ago


hey everyone! ive been losing motivation. I get home from school and stay in bed all day. I have goals but I cant seem to find the energy or motivation to do school work and study. Pls help! :)

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2 years ago

sometimes I struggle with the same thing, it's integral to remind yourself of the future you're building and how the steps you take now dictate how much money/ what type of life you live, I hope this is motivational!


2 years ago

Most people in search of motivation typically go on YouTube, watch a couple of motivational videos, temporarily gain confidence and courage, and the enthusiasm subsides in a few days. If that sounds like you, I recommend seeking motivation from the people that you stay with the most and can remind you daily of what you're supposed to do (could be parents, friends, or anyone else). Informing them about your goals will automatically make you feel accountable for achieving them.

Small but consistent amounts of motivation go much farther than sporadic over-motivation.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Adding onto this - I experience the same issue, and find that study vlogs on YouTube are really helpful! Watching another student study/take notes/etc... (especially med students - they're dedicated!) personally helps me. Likewise, working alongside a friend helps if you know you won't get distracted, or even in the same room as a parent. There's a sense of accountability with other people. All the best xx


2 years ago

i deal with the same thing all the time and the way I tend to deal with it is either reminding myself of what i want to achieve or (and this is totally petty) reminding myself that at my high school reunions i can rub my success in the faces of all people i don't like


2 years ago

Motivating yourself to do your homework, study, participate in class, or just go to school can be quite difficult when you're in high school! Below, I have complied a list of things that continue to motivate me over the course of high school. I hope you find them helpful, as well!

Watch College Decision Reaction Videos

Seeing other people getting accepted into prestigious universities or your dream school can make you want to work hard enough to achieve the same for yourself. So, consider watching one college decision reaction video after school, so that you'll have the motivation to complete your homework as well as study.

Find Competition

Although this may be a slightly negative method, finding people that you can label as competition is something that can help you motivate yourself to do well in school. If you notice that someone is working very hard to do well in school, you can begin to think of them as competition which will subconsciously force you to work harder.

Identify a Role Model

Family members, friends, upperclassmen, and mentors can all be role models. Use them and their accomplishments to motivate yourself to either become just like them or even better.

Email Yourself an Attainable To-Do List Every Night

Your school email account is something you use quite a lot during school days. For this reason, you should consider emailing yourself a short, attainable to-do list every night instead of writing it in a journal for a few days and then completely forgetting about the journal. To-do lists force us to work hard to achieve at least some of the list if not all of it, so we should not let inconsistency stop us from using them.

Discover Your Calling

Explore your interests and determine what it is that you want to pursue. If just the idea of discovering what you want your future to look like doesn't already motivate you, know that when you find your purpose, you'll feel motivated to work towards achieving it.

Maintain a Sleep Schedule

Trying to sleep at a specific time every day will motivate you to put in your full effort to finish studying and doing your homework by that certain time. And, because this means you'll be getting the same amount of sleep each day, you'll have a fixed schedule that'll give you the energy and motivation to go to school everyday.

Keep in Mind What You're Working Towards

Whether you're working towards a grade, a college, or a profession, always keep the end goal in mind. Knowing the purpose behind all of your hard work will motivate you to continue to work hard. It will also emphasize the fact that your effort is not pointless and that you'll be rewarded for it.

Share Your Goals With Someone

Sharing what you want to achieve in life with someone trustworthy will help you better understand your thoughts and desires leading you to brainstorm about how you can get them and eventually motivating you enough to do just that. It will also force you to work hard to achieve them, because you'll know that now it's not just yourself that you'll let down if you don't achieve your dreams, it's someone else, too.

Give Yourself Something to Look Forward To

Giving yourself something to look forward to can motivate you to go to school or finish your homework quickly. This can be a person you see at school or a TV show you want to watch with your sibling after you've both finished your homework.


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