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2 years ago


this is towards anyone who has taken the sat and/or act. How did you decide which one to take? Also, how did you study? Thanks in advance!

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2 years ago

Try out SAT and ACT practice tests to see which one you're better at. Just google "free SAT/ACT practice tests" to find practice tests along with the answer keys. I took the paper-version SAT (now SAT has shifted to an online format), but it still tests you on the same stuff.

Your decision on which one to take and your financial circumstances will determine the next steps.

Here are some prep resources:

If you want to, you can also get prep books from publishers like Princeton Review, Kaplan, and Barron's (just to name a few).

While setting a study schedule, spend more time on the sections that you're weaker in and then appear for the actual test when you're confident with your preparation. All the best!

Hope this helps!


2 years ago

I’ve taken both. In my opinion, SAT Math was easier than ACT, but ACT ERW was easier than SAT ERW. It might have been the specific administration that I took, so I wouldn’t generalize all SAT math and all ACT ERW as easy. I decided to take both just to see which one I liked more, and if I scored well on one I just wouldn’t retake either.

Also, I ended up doing an ACT prep class. To be honest, I really don’t think it helped, because all they did was drone on about what the test would be like, then they’d give us practice problems or a practice exam. However, it might have just been that particular class, and there may be some stellar ones elsewhere.

If you’re not willing or wanting to spend the time or money on a class (they can get REALLY expensive), TikTok has people who post about strategies all the time. Look up “ACT prep” with a notepad in hand so you can learn from people for free!

I took the SAT last weekend, and I did absolutely no preparation. While I don’t recommend this, a lot of the ACT prep that I did carried over.

If I were you, I’d take the chance on both. If you end up doing poorly on the one you decided to take, then you would probably end up retaking that one without trying out the other. At least, that’s what I hear from other people. The advantage of doing both is being able to tell whether or not it is worth retaking. If you really hate the formatting of one, what’s the point in retaking it if you don’t score well?

One more thing. Khan Academy, as I’m sure you already know, has a prep course that can take your previous scores and target improvement areas. And if you haven’t already, take the PSAT to help figure out where you stand with the SAT. Anyway, my friend only used Khan Academy for prep and got a 1520, but she is very naturally smart otherwise. However, Khan Academy does have scheduled practice SATs that you can take as often as you’d like.

I hope this helps! Whatever you decide to do, I hope you reach your goal! Good luck!


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