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2 years ago

Is it better to score highly in less AP classes or have lower grades in more AP classes?


Is it better to score highly in less AP classes or have lower grades in more AP classes?

I am currently taking 5 APs

AP Lang

AP Euro His

AP Macro

AP MIcro

AP Stat


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2 answers

2 years ago

Hi @crsia - It isn't "better"to score highly less in AP classes, but it's expected. Since it is a harder course rigor than an honors or basic class, it will have a higher multiplier for your weighted GPA. If your grades for your AP classes are lower than your others, that is expected but it isn't better to score lower. Hope this helped!

2 years ago


To answer your question, i would say its better to take less AP's and score higher rather than have a ton of AP's with lower grades but depending on what your definition of a lower grade is more AP's might not hurt your unweighted gpa and it would definitely boost your weighted. I have an unweighted GPA of 4.0 on the 4.0 scale and a weighted of 4.5 cumulative so taking less AP's has helped me a lot (rn I'm only taking AP Chem, AP Lang, and AP Stats). I think the college you want to go to also plays a big part when deciding how many AP's you'll take, you may need a higher GPA or you might be find with the pace you already have, plus some colleges will take all of your AP credit (depending on your score on the exam) but some may only take 3,4,5... credits, you get the idea. So if you can handle taking a lot of AP's and still maintaining an A or B I think you'll be fine but I personally think an high A, in idk lets say British literature, is a lot better than a high C in AP Lit. All in all, the decision is up to you, both have benefits, one on your weighted, the other on unweighted and it really depends on your school choice. Anyways, I hope my answer has helped you in some way.

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