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2 years ago

should i take dual enrollment?

I, like most, am not a fan of going to school. However for me, the schoolwork itself isn't really the issue- it's being at school. The atmosphere, environment, almost everything is bad. I've also had kind of a falling out with my main friend group in my grade, and when all the seniors graduate this year, I'm afraid that all my friends in my grade will exclude me. In order to avoid that, I'm wondering if I should take some dual enrollment classes at my local cc. One of my friends actually goes there, and I could have the opportunity to take a class with her, so I wouldn't neccesarily be alone. Also, I have done my research and I have a list of about 8 classes I could take that will count for university and high school credits. I'm just not sure if doing this will affect my senior year experience, and if the workload will be too much. I am thinking of taking 2 each semester (4 in total) and 2 AP classes at school, and 2 regular easy A classes. If I don't do dual enrollment, I could take easy electives and boost my gpa, but I'm also not sure if dual enrollment shows academic rigor compared to AP/IB classes. Either way, if anyone has dual enrollment experience, please let me know pros and cons, tips and tricks, etc. Thank you so much!

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2 years ago

Hi! This is my second semester through dual enrollment. I personally don't regret anything about taking those classes, it's saved me thousands of dollars already. Also, if you have a friend who already takes classes there, it'll be an easier adjustment and, like you said, you wouldn't be alone.

I take four classes through my cc, and then one AP class at school. I wouldn't say it was easy, but if you have experience with AP classes it shouldn't be much different. Going into it, I took three at cc and one and school, but I didn't have any AP experience. It worked out just fine for me, and I saved about $3,000 in tuition.

However, I wouldn't take all six courses no matter what. Most full time college students can only take five at the most, and if you're taking four college-level courses it might be tough to balance the easier ones. I would start with a lighter course load (especially since you don't have to pay for it yet) and then build from there.

🎤2 years ago

Thank you so much! By 4 I mean 4 total classes, so I could take 2 cc classes a semester. Or i could take 1 cc and 1 additional AP class. Thank you for your advice!


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