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2 years ago

should i take ap calc ab or ap stats

I'm working on scheduling for my senior year scheduling, and am wondering what math I should take next year. This semester I barely got a B in the class, in fact I finished with an 80.51. I'm currently taking IB math year 1, but the second year of the course is only offered to students taking the IB diploma program.

IB math is essentially honors pre-calc, but with more writing and thinking about why something occurs in math. The actual math is related to calculus, and my average test score without curve was roughly a 78. Obviously, that is not that great, but, I've been told that honors pre-calc is harder than AP calc, so my guess is that I'd average a B. In honors algebra 2, I also barely got a B, and finished with a solid B both semesters. But, the hardest part of that class for me was the fact that freshmen or jocks in the class that had a+'s, while I was struggling, which made me feel dumb. Knowing that everyone was doing better than me even though I felt like I should've been made me lack motivation for the class, and result in bad grades. With calc, I know freshmen would be in my class, even though I'm a senior, which would make me go crazy, and with senioritis, that motivation would go down the drain. However, I know a lot of other seniors taking calc next year, and have many friends that have taken calc that can help me with math next year. Plus, the AP calc teacher is apparently very good. And, many schools like students taking calculus, and some programs I want to apply to require students to take senior level calculus. I'm just nervous that the AP rigor and lack of motivation will get to me, because I know it will. There is a regular, non AP calculus course offered, but why take it if the AP version is available (also think it'll make me look weaker when college admissions are comparing me to other students).

In contrast, there's AP statistics. The writing part of my math class, I've been told, is similar to AP stats. I know stats consists of math and english, however in our assignments involving writing, I probably averaged a 78 as well. Everyone I know that takes stats is not a fan, and stats is not a guaranteed college credit since not all majors require you to take stats. The teacher isn't great, tests are hard, etc. But, I have more interest in the statistics units than any other units in my classes, and I'd feel less peer pressure since less people take stats compared to calc. Everyone struggles in stats, so I'd feel less pressure like I was in alg 2, because most people in stats are seniors, barely any underclassmen which would make me feel a lot better. Like the regular calc class, there is a stats elective I could take, and I do have interest in the class, so that is an option if I choose not to take AP stats.

I'm planning on going into informatics or computing in college (information science, information technology, data science, analytics...). Also, if you were wondering where the B came from, it was from completion of homework essentially lol. I know that this was all kinda unorganized and a whole rant, but I am super stressed in what class I should take, any comments will be appreciated!

ap calc
ap stats
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2 years ago

1. Stop looking at what other people get or their grade level. This is an easy but toxic mindset to fall into at competitive schools, take it from someone who still struggles with these thoughts sometimes as a senior. You have no clue what these people do outside of class, maybe they're loaded up on ECs and other APs but are far more genetically blessed than you are, or this is one of their only APs and they have all the time in the world to study. I remind myself when I feel this way in AP Calc, that I'm fricking taking AP Calc, and I should be proud of myself for taking on this challenge, even if my average grade is about the same as yours. Just ignore them and stop caring, don't put yourself down comparing yourself to Ivy-prospective geniuses.

2. It sounds like you want to and should take AP Calc, but don't know if you can handle it - sign up and if you struggle, switch to a lower level calc class or AP stats. Just keep in mind that while stats is easier than calc in many ways, you will be learning a mostly new topic instead of building on the precalc knowledge you already have. I'm taking both and they're about equally challenging for this reason.

🎤2 years ago

This was so helpful! I think I do compare myself too much, which I know I should work on for sure. I'm really dependent on what others think of me, which really sucks because I'm especially thinking about what college admissions will think of me.

As for the classes, what are some of the characterisitics of the two classes that could also help me decide? AKA if you were to describe the two classes on the same scale, how would you explain the two in terms of courseload and how the class is taught?


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