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2 years ago

what volunteer work should i do?

This summer, I want to do some volunteer work to get some more hours. I'm interested in the stem field (comp sci) but don't see many opportunities to volunteer for that. However, I have shown a lot of ec's where I'm helping young kids (ex: working at a ski resort and teaching elementary age kids how to ski, teachers assistant at dance for middle school age kids, tutoring, helping out freshmen at my school find there way around school, volunteering at santa visit for kids).

I've been suggested to volunteer at my local hospital because the hours are easy and it looks good. However, I know that I don't want to go into the medical field, and there's a required amount of hours (100) that have to be completed in one summer.

I have also seen at my local zoo that I could be a "counseler in training" for a summer camp at the zoo for elementary age kids. I know that it would follow the pattern of helping young kids, but do admissions counselers really notice/care about that? There's another program for general volunteers at the zoo that also require a set amount of hours, but I think it's more doable.

I also know that there are a lot of online volunteer things I could do like the smithsonian digital volunteering. Should I do a digital volunteering thing? This summer I am working on college apps and working a job, so maybe this will work?

I applied to be a volunteer at the science center about 30 minutes away from me since I am interested in going into STEM, but haven't heard anything which is why I'm considering these other options. Any thoughts would be appreciated!


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I recommend prioritizing the Smithsonian digital volunteering opportunity, since it relates most closely to your major of interest and will offer a flexible schedule. If you are unable to find a STEM-related opportunity, any volunteering opportunity that comfortably fits into your schedule will be a good option. Focusing on college apps and your job will help you more than an intensive volunteering role. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

if you dont wanna go the kiddie route, you could just go for something unique that you havent heard of many other kids doing. for example, i volunteered for my county's center for independent living, a govt nonprofit that advocates for disability rights and helps the disabled live healthy independent lives. theres like this all over the country. taking an interest in something a little more niche helps you stand out all the more

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