2 years ago

is taking asynchronous classes a bad idea?

im planning for scheduling and want to take some asyncronous classes because i hate being at school, and find myself being a lot more productive and motivated at home. my dad doesnt want me to take any asyncrhnous classes because he says its too hard to self motivate, and if i dont get straight a's the whole year, he's not paying for some of my college funds. i'm really nervous about it because i'm planning on taking 4 ap classes (1 or 2 online) and don't think that i'd be able to keep an a in all 4. i love the idea of not having to be at school for the whole day, but is it going to be too hard?


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3 answers

2 years ago

I think it's a good idea but make sure that you stay motivated all along and don't side track. Since you're taking 4 APs try to get some As and you should be fine. And also don't forget about the mid year transcripts that some colleges request.

2 years ago

I say if it you think it'll work for you, go for it. Everyone works and learns differently, and you know yourself better than anyone else does. Though If you do, I would say make it so if it doesn't work out, you have a plan to fall back on. Like see if your school will let you go back to what you were doing before and its not a permanent decision.

2 years ago

I have taken asynchronous classes before, but it is purely up to preference. However you feel like you are able to learn better, should be the one you go for. I personally think as long as you have the drive to achieve good grades, self motivation shouldn’t be an issue. Your parents will need to file the nessecary transfer information, and they should file with the school beforehand to make sure you are able to join back in school if asynchronous school doesn’t work out,

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