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2 years ago

Classes for senior year (+ needing advice for which math to take)

Hi I was wanting to get some advice on the classes I'm taking next year and whether they would be a good balance. I'm planning to major in computer science if that helps.

Overall I've got:

Ap government and politics/Ap macroeconomics

Ap psychology

Expository reading and writing

PE: Lifetime Fitness

Advanced Computer Science for the contemporary world

Ap Statistics or Ap Calculus BC

My main issue is for choosing between Ap Statistics and Ap Calculus BC. For context, in the beginning of the year I had taken BC but I wasn't doing well in the class so I dropped to AB instead. Since I wanted to major in computer science, I've heard people say Ap stats isn't that useful and that calc BC would be better option. I'm still debating though because I'm not sure if doing BC would be the best idea? BC is pretty much the same thing as AB except it's a little harder and has a few more new topics, so I guess it could help with the foundation in calculus. With Ap stats, I'll be learning something new and not kind of a repeat, and I've heard that the class isn't that bad itself. I just am not sure if I should go for BC or Stats, so if you could then I'd really appreciate some advice!

TL;DR: Debating between taking Ap stats or Ap Calc BC. I took BC in the beginning of junior year but dropped to AB as I wasn't doing well in BC. Planning to major in computer science too, so which would be the better option?

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2 years ago

As a lover of Calc AB I had the exact same question, and after lots of talking with others and my teacher, I decided AP Stats is the better option. First of all, despite its relevancy to your intended major, diversity in courses does look really good on apps - it shows you aren't limiting yourself and that you're learning a lot more. Also, stats is helpful for everything - even though you might eventually need to know advanced calculus, I'm sure you'll use basic statistics in a lot of the stuff you do. Plus! Who wants to do a super hard math in senior year? Stats is a loot more chill.


2 years ago[edited]

Before considering which AP classes you should enroll to, you should first check the AP credit policy for various colleges.

YOU SHOULD CHOOSE AP CALCULUS BC coz it's comprehensive.


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