2 years ago

Extracurriculars and AP classes

So my school is not even over 2 years old. While being the upperclassmen and attending a new school is nice, I've started to realize the downsides to the school being so new. There are barely any AP classes to take and all of them are aps of core classes. There are no ap classes of elective courses like computer science, art or language besides Spanish and psychology which will be available next year. With that, there are very little extracurricular programs besides sports and ASB. I'm considering joining theater as a stage crew member, but from what I've seen being in a theatre class last semester (I did very well in the class but switched to art because of some of my peers) the theatre troop at my school isn't very well structured as compared to the other schools in my district. I'm considering doing concurrent enrollment at a community college that is very close to me for a physics course as our AP physics class is a month behind where they should be. Out of the APs that we did have this year the only one I didn't take was AP physics because I had a feeling that this was how that class would end up. Is there any extracurriculars that I can do outside of school that might help make my applications look better for college?

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2 years ago

Dual enrollment would be a good idea in your case so you can go above and beyond academically. As for your extracurriculars, there are plenty that you can do outside of school - in fact, the best activities you can do are usually based outside of school. Here are a few CollegeVine articles that will give you plenty of ideas for these extracurriculars:

- https://blog.collegevine.com/extracurriculars-you-can-do-at-home/

- https://blog.collegevine.com/your-complete-list-of-extracurricular-activities/

Hope this helps!


2 years ago

I totally understand and am actually in the same boat. My school doesn't have the resources to offer AP classes at all and only offers limited honors. I've been able to bump my GPA with the honors classes, and then dual-enrolled for all online community college classes. I'd definitely recommend it... just make sure to look up your local/ online school on RateMyProfessor!!


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SAT: 720 math
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