2 years ago

Senior Classes

Hi, I’m a junior going into my senior year next year (obviously), looking to get into either a great school in general or just one that is good for either STEM stuff or film (or both!). I’ve taken 1 AP freshman year, 2 APs sophomore year, 5 APs this year, and planning on 3 APs and 6 Dual Enrollments (total SM1 + SM2) next year. The rest is honors and I have 2 years of foreign language. So, my question is… is this enough? My ECs are really weak so that’s going to be a huge focus for me this year, but my dad thought that schools might see Duals as lazy because they let me go home early (lol) and my counselor is essentially worthless (really just gave me tips that I could google), so I’m just wondering if anybody has any general tips, etc. I’ve worked really hard in high school and I’d like to be rewarded for all that work, if that makes sense. I have a 4.0GPA UW currently and a 5.6 something weighted (expecting that to shoot way up), and a 1490 on my SAT (taking it again to hopefully superscore in May). Thank you! If this information is too vague or my intentions aren’t clear I can provide more for anybody who wishes to help :)

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2 years ago

You have taken more than enough AP and dual enrollment classes to get into any college, including the Top 5. The average student who is accepted to Harvard takes 8 AP classes during their high school career, and you have done even more than that.

ECs, essays, and raising your SAT score will be more important for you now that you have a strong transcript. Hope this helps!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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