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2 years ago

Would it be worth it to take AP classes in senior year if I haven't taken them yet?

My school only has about 4 AP classes, though next year they'll add AP Computer Science. The others are AP English, AP Language Arts, AP Chemistry, and AP Calculus. I'm going to be busy next year with things outside school but would like to fit in an AP class or two. Any suggestions on what would be good?

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2 years ago

I think it's totally okay to take AP classes if you haven't taken them yet (especially if you've taken some Honors courses). I'm taking AP Language and Composition- which isn't too hard if writing is a strength and is pretty useful as far as skills/college credits go- and AP Calculus AB- which is challenging, but I really enjoy it and is very useful if you're interested in STEM careers. AP Chem is notoriously challenging, and AP Literature and Composition doesn't replace college classes as often as the others mentioned. Don't know much about AP Computer Science so can't say. I think it would be best to talk to people who have taken the classes at your school, as the experience varies wildly based on teacher.


2 years ago

Hello @GabrielaFasha! Depends on your career. I wouldn’t take AP English, currently taking it and it’s a pretty big workload. If you are taking APs purely on time, AP Computer Science would be a good fit as long as you have a coding background. I personally don’t have any homework and don’t have to study for tests as I already have knowledge in programming.


2 years ago

I don't think the AP English course should be too difficult. I would talk to people who took the class because some teachers manage to make "easy" AP's hard!! I'm a junior with a super busy schedule and I'm in AP Calc and I love it, but I also love math and I'm pretty good at it. So, if you like math and think you can do it, I recommend it if you're going into STEM in college.


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