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2 years ago

Question for APUSH students

My class is still on the 1920s 2 weeks before the exam... that's not good, right? I'm self studying and just finished WW2, but I still feel like I might not have enough time. What should I do? Am I screwed?

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2 years ago

heimler's history helps a ton! and for me, a lot of it was background knowledge from middle school history. you can always use khan academy too or other online resources. you got this!


2 years ago


Fellow APUSH student here. For reference, my class just finished up the 1960s. We have a little more to do, but not too much. Let me say this in the least scary way possible: your class is definitely not on track, but you can individually make some strides and boost your score. First, I'd say look at how much weight each unit has on the exam (it should be somewhere in the CED or online). If the units you haven't learned are holding a lot of weight, that is cause for worry. If they don't, you can definitely still study them, but they really might just tip the scale towards one score or another-not give you a baseline. There are hardly any to no questions from 1980-90 on, but that may be inaccurate as I received a mock exam from before the pandemic. My other major tip is this: study the themes before names and dates. What I mean by this is to look for major continuity or change throughout and between periods. Rather than memorizing the exact dates of the Cold War or every president in order, the exam really tests your ability to pick up on the causes and effects of major themes. This can manifest in memorization, sure, but in my opinion, I'd rather dedicate time and energy to picking up on the bigger picture than simply when Nixon was president.

Hope this helps! :)


2 years ago

My class finished up the 2010's this week and we are now just reviewing for the next 2 weeks. It would help you a lot just to get through the 80's the next few weeks. APUSH really won't test on periods 8 and 9 or 1.


2 years ago[edited]

Ap classroom! Heimler Review! Print question form the exam and practice it!


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