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2 years ago

Plan for Success in Junior Year

Hi! I still have the chance to change my classes for my junior year and I have been struggling with what path to take. I want to take rigorous classes, but not overdo it because I also want to participate in after-school activities and volunteering. I'm also planning on taking dual enrollment classes at the local college but have only decided for certainty to take an elective there. (it will boost my GPA more than a regular elective at the high school)

For the past few weeks my plan has been to take AP Environmental Science, AP Seminar, and possibly AP Calculus AB at my school, and then take English and an elective through dual. However, I was debating if I should just take math through dual since math isn't really my strong suit and it was just stressing me out overall. But today I started to want to take AP Lang, and realized that it might be better for me since I'm better at reading/writing and enjoy it a lot more. Even thinking about it today made me really excited, but I'm still not sure if it's the best idea. It would mean that I would take math through dual enrollment, which scares me a little, but also I would have essentially two reading/writing related AP's, and I don't know if that will look good for colleges compared to taking a math one. I do want to take an AP math senior year (AP Statistics), but I still feel there is a difference. I just want to show rigor while also not over doing it, which is also why I'm not taking APUSH despite really enjoy history, I know it's just too much and I've already taken an AP History class.

Anyway, which class schedule would be better? AP Lang which I would enjoy more and have less stress but may not look as rigorous, and then also take math through dual or AP Calculus where I would be more stressed but show more variety and then take english with dual.

(Also for reference, as of right now I want to study either psychology or political science in college but I know it's still important to take a variety of AP's)

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

As a current junior coming to the end of the year, I would recommend that you take the AP Lang class. Junior year is just as tough as everybody says it is, if not more so, and if taking AP Calc AB would stress you out, I would take a pass and just do dual. You said that you're worried about rigor, but I wouldn't be because the other classes you're taking definitely show your work ethic. I'd say that taking AP Lang over AP Calc isn't enough to dissuade colleges from accepting you.

2 years ago

You don't want to take AP Seminar! I tool it this year and it was horrible, dropped my GPA too. It's a lot of work. And you don't have enough time to do all the work so it's like 2 hours of hw everyday just for this course and class time on top of that. The deadlines are too strict and it's just a really difficult course to pass.

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