Hello! I'm a rising junior from Japan! Nice to meet you.
My question is: Are CollegeVine connections legit? Is the admission member that connected with me actually interested? How does CollegeVine ask the people who do the admission to connect with students like us?
Hey! Happy to share some more context into CollegeVine Connections. CollegeVine is a recruiting network for high school students (kinda like LinkedIn) -- we have hundreds of colleges on the platform that recruit students for their class. They do this by sending you connection requests; if you accept them, they can see your full profile and start guiding you on the path to apply there.
There are lots of cool things you can do once you connect with a college, like chat with their admissions officers, meet current students, get invited to special events, etc. Each college does slightly different things with their connections. Once you get connected, I highly recommend you reach out to your regional admissions officer right on CollegeVine and say hello!
To keep this community safe and supportive:
So I was connected with one of the colleges that I want to go to, but I was connected with the regional admissions officer for China (and not Japan). How do I connect with the right admissions officer?