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2 years ago

Should I take AP Seminar?

I’m a rising junior and I wanted to take AP psychology, but it wouldn’t work with my schedule so instead I was put down for AP seminar. Honestly I don’t know much about the class and I’ve been wondering if it’s a difficult class or if it’s worth it. I just need to be convinced or talked out of it, that’s all I’m kind of asking.

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a year ago

every single person i'm friends with took ap seminar last year and said it was a joke of a class. it's not a huge asset to your college app, but it is another boost to your gpa, so take that as you will. it's super easy if you're a good english student (subjectively) and you'd definitely do fine!!! i took ap psych last year (well this year) and it was honestly easy as well. just vocabulary based. i honestly feel like i aced the exam too. so i have no real answer, pretty 50/50. hope this helped :)


2 years ago

Hey, as someone who is just finishing ap seminar it really depends on your plans for collage if you are looking into majors that would be research heavy ap seminar is most likely the way to go, it's a tough class and is very much research intensive but I belive to be worth it, I haven't taken ap psychology but if you are hoping to go into a major that us psychology based I would probably go into that one. I hope you have an awesome junior year!


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