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2 years ago


I am a rising junior, and I currently have an ok GPA and some sport extracurriculars, but I don’t have anything to standout(Ex. Made an web, start a business, etc). What are some tips?

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2 years ago

If you’re looking to add something onto your year to standout I suggest the following:

1. Make a school club! For my school, you need like 10 friends that are interested for a club and that’s basically it! (Talk to your principal to see if this is an option for you!) Colleges like when clubs have community impacts, so you could start a trash pickup club where you volunteer once a month or so and help out in your community!

2. Join student council BEFORE SENIOR YEAR! Colleges like to see more than one year of student council. It usually isn’t as much work as most people think it is, and if you have some friends that can do it with you, it’s a lot of fun!

3. If your school requires that you do community service, try to focus on a certain area of it and grow the service group! For example, if you volunteer at a food bank, see if you can become a leader and help to grow the organization’s advertising!

Hope this helps!


2 years ago

Personally I don't think you need to start a business to look good to colleges. What matters most are your GPA, the classes you take(ex. honors, AP), the essay you write(I recommend starting now so you have time to revise it and can get help from the peer review through College Vine or the professional review), extracurriculars(sports, clubs), volunteering, letter of recommendation(ask your teachers now so they have time to write it, try to ask a teacher who knows you well but also a class where you have struggled yet survived), and showcase any awards you got.

The best advice is that talk to your counselor because they have done their multiple times and having a good relationship with them is also important because I believe they too write a letter of recommendation for you.


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SAT: 720 math
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