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a year ago

Should I take AP Spanish my junior year?

I'm a rising junior (currently a sophomore), and I have taken Spanish from 8th (middle school), 9th, and 10th grade. I want to take four years of language, as per what colleges recommend, but I'm not exactly sure if I should take AP Spanish in junior year. It was probably one of my toughest classes this year, and I don't know if I want to take it in junior year, given that I will have a rigorous workload.

That being said, should I take AP Spanish in senior year instead?

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a year ago

i was considering it because i too am on the same exact track!!! everybody that took it said even as a native speaker, they had a tough time (although it might have been the teacher, who i also had freshman year and absolutely HATED). i'm opting to take spanish 4 online next year and then senior year bite the bullet and take ap spanish (praying it's a dif teacher). if i were you, i would try and meet the teacher and ask previous students, see if she's the type that would be happy to help if you're struggling or if she doesn't care as long as she's getting that ap test bonus. i hope that helps!!! (i would also wait for another persons advice on this because i'm not qualified to answer the same question i'm thinking haha)


a year ago

I believe it depends on whether you're going to be taking (possibly) AP Spanish Language or AP Spanish Literature. I just finished my junior year and I took AP Spanish Language. I'm somewhat of a native speaker (grew up in Spanish-speaking households) and I've been learning Spanish since 5th grade (I'm about to be a senior). I don't think my class was difficult, and the AP exam wasn't difficult either. I have heard that Spanish Lit is harder, so maybe you might not want to take that if your school only offers Lit and not Lang. The Lang exam moreso tests your actual ability, like your ability to understand what you hear in Spanish, what you read, if you can comprehensively write in Spanish, and also speak in Spanish. That being said, you will still learn things in the class, they just probably won't be tests that you can truly study for since the tests will probably be based off your ability and just overall knowledge of Spanish. And, my teacher did give homework almost everyday, but that depends on the teacher. If you really think that this is too much, then I suggest taking the regular level of Spanish for your level that you're on. Again, Spanish Lang is easier than Spanish Lit, so make sure to carefully check which one your school offers or if it offers both. Hope this helps a little.


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