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2 years ago

What are mandatory courses for my freshman year of high school.

What are mandatory courses for my freshman year of high school.

@nati_seq2 years ago

Hey! Most times you can look at your school to see the A-G requirements but I can tell you a few that I know are required for my school at least! My freshmen year I was required to take English 9, Algebra 1 (or Geometry), a world language class, Health for one semester then usually study hall for the other, PE, a biological science class, and two electives of your choice.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

It truly depends on your school's graduation requirements. Your high school should have a list of their requirements and how many credits that they want you to complete in order to graduate. So you could just type insert high school graduation requirements. At my school, the mandatory courses include: english, math, science, social studies, gym, etc. So you should expect whatever that shows up on your school's graduation requirements to be courses you must take your freshman year. As the other comment said, I highly recommend checking out and trying different clubs. You can try as many as you want since you don't have to technically commit to anything just yet, just try stuff out because once you apply to college.. four years in an activity looks better than just a year. So try stuff out, hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hi! So I would definitely take all the classes you need to graduate with like health credits and PE credits. Other classes like core classes come to you as you move grades. Like US Gov. you can't take until Junior or senior year depending on your school. freshman year is a fresh start, so definitely take a look at clubs and the new opportunities your school has to offer.

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