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2 years ago

Should I change my schedule?

My counselor put me in a bunch of CP classes and I'm worried it will pull down my GPA

Bio 101

English 101

forensics H

Pre- calc H

creative writing CP

film criticism CP

SAT prep CP

accounting CP

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2 years ago

@merejscalz I'm not sure how CP courses work but if your school gives extra weights for CP classes I think you should be fine even if you get a B or 2. If you feel you struggle with all of them and you are involved in a lot of Extracurricular Activties then you can swap one or two of your CP classes.

🎤2 years ago

At my school, CP is the lowest class with and has no weight. I will do well in the classes but still concerned that it will mess with my gpa.

2 years ago

yeah I see what you mean I got 2 B's in hon-honors French. Non-honors is the lowest level class and is graded on a 4.0 and that hurt my GPA I mainly take honors and AP's. Taking one or 2 to balance your load is fine but you should take 2-4 AP's and maybe a honors course. I took 3 Ap's and 4 honor my junior year and even if you get a B in a AP it won't hurt your GPA too much and colleges like it better if you get a B in an AP compared to an A in a regular class.

🎤2 years ago

Ok, thank you!


2 years ago

It depends on your GPA. If you can get all A's and A+'s (92.45%+) your GPA will be 4.125 for the year. If you're significantly below that, it isn't bad.

🎤2 years ago

I have a 4.7, so if my gpa average for the year is 4.125 that would drag down my gpa to around a 4.4


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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