I'm a rising junior, and I want to make a new club at my school, but i don't know if my club is quite inclusive, because I would like to have a lot of people join my club. I plan on making a club that is mainly an arts and crafts, club that makes things that we then donate to local orphanges that do not have many resources to help them. However, I was thinking that since the club is an arts and crafts club, then not many people would join, since not everyone does arts and crafts. With that in mind I am worried about whehter I would have enough people to even have a good club that would be able to make a big enough impact. So, I was wondering how I could make it more inclusive, if anyone has any ideas.
Persuade people with food lol at my school there is a club called asian pacific islanders and their club always has food, everytime I pass by it is always packed. But I think its a good idea because coming from a long day of school people can relax with a cozy arts and craft day with nice snacks.
I myself am really into a plethora of art, and am think you could make your club more inclusive by marketing it as an arts club, rather than just arts and crafts. Meaning, you could advertise it as a safe space for anyone (regardless of gender or race ofc) and have multiple "arts" genres that you could explore. Such as a place to explore poetry, digital or traditional art, maybe even some performance. That way you can market it to a BUNCH more people while still keeping it an "art" club. You could also have art prompts that switch every month/weeks that focus on a specific art style like poetry or sculpting while still having the freedom of any genre to answer the prompt. Sorry for the super long response, but I love art and wanted to give my opinion! Thanks.
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